
Garden Party Planner in Rohtak

Garden Party Organisers

Garden Party Organisers, Organizers in Rohtak, Garden Party Decorators, Planner in Rohtak, Garden Party Catering Services in Rohtak.

Throw an amazing garden party.
One of the joys of summer is the opportunity it brings to throw a party at home. Whether a simple BBQ or elaborate celebration complete with marquee, you'll want it to be one to remember.

Do you have enough seating?

Even a casual BBQ needs seating for your guests to relax in. You need to think about what furniture is needed both for eating and relaxing. If you don't have enough of your own you can hire some in easily. If you're in Essex try Alfresco Hire.

Hang some fairy lights or festoon lighting in the trees and line pathways with lanterns. Don't forget some citronella candles or bamboo flares to keep the bugs away.

Seriously think about having a planner to assist with the planning or at least project manage the party for you. Venues have banqueting managers to deal with problems but you'll have no-one. A planner has this capability and the team to decorate the venue, take delivery of goods plus manage the day itself so if any challenges occur they are deals within professional behavior.


Let's Discuss an Event or Call +91-9910277066
